Confessions of a plant killer

Confessions of a plant killer - If you were wondering what happened to me (if you weren’t really concerned, just pretend), I just successf...

Credit card security

We’d like to confirm some recent activity on your card… Since I never answer my phone, I missed a call from my credit card company. The vo...

The Board Room

I’m a loyal Apprentice viewer and am thrilled the show is back on! I’ve been a Donald Trump fan ever since I was in college and read his boo...

The ringing in my head

If you call my home phone, you are going to get voice mail. The house phone has become an ancient relic due to everyone using their cell...

More than my license expired

This week’s mission was to make the required trip to DMV to get my new driver’s license. Online renewal was not an option, but I was happy ...

Sticker Mania

Little one has a sticker addiction  I Googled addiction and found that she has the following symptoms: Resentful Attitudes – Angry over ...

Upcoming Fashion Trends

I’ve been walking around in sandals for three days now with the pink nail polish missing off one toe. Why am I sharing this breaking new...

How my jeans are affecting my life

This is my open letter and a desperate plea to the fashion industry : Dear Fashion Industry : Please design a new style of jeans th...